Your Pregnancy Care at LUNA

Pregnancy is a time of growth, change, excitement and wonder. And sometimes also a sore back, varicose veins, pelvic pain, nausea… Fun times. But there is a lot we can do that will help! During your physio sessions at LUNA and in your own time between visits, treatments and advice from your specialised Women’s Health Physiotherapist will help you stay active and prepare for your birth. Click the button below to book with Claire today, or scroll down to learn more about physio for your pregnancy.

  • Your Initial Pregnancy Consultation

    1 hour

    Your first visit can take place at any point in your pregnancy. We recommend booking this in from around 12 weeks. In this first session, we will put together a physiotherapy plan of care that will support you through the big changes to come. Claire will take a complete history, and a close look at key elements such as your posture and core muscle function. You will be offered advice about general exercise and movement habits, as well as your pelvic health.

  • Week 16-18


    This is when many women start to really feel the changes in their belly, posture and movement. If you’ve already carried and birthed a baby, the expansion of your body might seem to happen more quickly! Common issues might be popping up, like some pelvic or back pain, or challenges with your work posture or your current way of exercising. Claire will help you with hands-on therapies and guidance about how to move well and manage any discomfort.

  • Week 20-22


    By now you might feel more accustomed to your pregnant belly, and to the little adjustments you need to make around your new shape. You might have more energy, and want to put this into building strength and fitness - for birth, sure, but also for the very real physical work of parenting! If you’re less fortunate, you might still be feeling unwell or carrying other less pleasant physical issues - varicosities, bladder leaks, pelvic pain, back ache… It can be really tough. Claire’s job is explain why you’re experiencing various pregnancy-related stuff, and work with you to improve and manage it using her wide skillset in physiotherapy and complimentary therapies.

  • Week 26-28


    This time in your pregnancy tends to mark another ‘leap’ in your body’s transformation. Abdominal muscles start to really lengthen, and we might see some separation and weakness develop. Your very clever body knows to soften your ligaments and your ribcage, pelvis and spine can feel it. Claire will offer gentle manual techniques to maintain healthy body alignment, therapeutic exercises for your deep core muscles, and any additional supports you might need. We will keep tinkering with your general movement plan to keep you as fit and strong as possible.

  • Week 30-34


    Ok, now you’re seriously pregnant. This stage can be so exciting - and a bunch of less joyful other things too… Claire will continue to listen to your experience and concerns, carefully observe how your body is changing, and make suggestions for your wellbeing. As your belly continues to grow, and your core and pelvic floor continue to adapt, we will use therapy exercises targeted to your specific needs. If you’re wanting to explore complimentary therapies like acupuncture or massage, or you’re feeling the need for some counselling to get ready for your birth, Claire can discuss this with you and make a referral.

  • Week 34-38 and up


    You are going into ‘Goddess Mode’, in this later phase of your pregnancy. You are feeling your baby move, visioning your birth and postpartum, and it’s all getting very ‘real’. Whether or not you’re already a parent, you’re about to transform again to meet this new person you’ve been growing inside your body. It’s pretty wild! In your final session before your baby arrives, we are aiming for optimal pelvic alignment, great breath control, and a personalised set of movements that will help you stay centred, mobile and strong. We will have a plan in place for your postpartum physio care.

  • Postpartum Physiotherapy

    Claire would be so delighted to follow up with your postnatal physiotherapy. Hearing about your birth, early postpartum, and caring for the Newborn Mother is one of the highlights of Claire’s role. There is much we can do, with sensitive treatments and gentle movement, to support your body’s incredible process of becoming ‘un-pregnant’! Claire offers Your Postnatal Recovery Plan as a combination of in-person and online support. Check out the details and ask us questions to see if it’s right for you.